Rebirth of the (Senior) Saleswoman

Last year we launched our snappily titled “CityExecutive Fintech Sales Gender Analysis”. We researched sales professionals within the EMEA fintech market. Among several different types of analysis, it showed a 33%/66% split, female to male. In addition, we found that senior women with more than ten years’ experience dropped off to 20%.

Senior Women Fight Back

Our report for 2018 confirms that there was an improvement in the ratio and that senior-level females now make up 35%. This fits in with the recent Women in Finance Charter statistics which showed that financial sector ratios are improving, although banking, insurance and investment management are still behind the norm.

This year we added an Asian analysis from our Hong Kong office, highlighting that Asian fintech sales ratios are far ahead of Europe at 40%.

Fintech versus Non-Fintech 

We also wanted to see how fintech was doing compared to non-financial technology. Did other industries share our low ratios? Anecdotally, it always felt that we were behind, compared to the big tech sales organisations. The answer is that we are doing relatively better from a pure gender split perspective.

Across all seniority levels in EMEA fintech sales, this year, women make up 35% of the market. In non-fintech technology, it is 29%.

Our research has created some fascinating statistics. What it doesn’t do, however, is provide answers to so many questions.

Burning Questions

Why do the buy and sell-sides and insurance continue to lag so far behind the average?

Why is Asia so far ahead of Europe in gender diversity?

Why is fintech ahead of non-fintech sales?

Where does pay fit into all of these questions?

Last year when we released the report, we titled it “Death of the (Senior) Saleswoman”. Our new research shows that the death of the (senior) saleswoman has been somewhat exaggerated.

There is still a long way to go, but it is encouraging to see that diversity is improving.

For a full copy of our research across EMEA and Asia, please email me at